Beer Belly Workout

Legend and Notes at Bottom of Page 
Day 1 Chest & BicepsSet x Reps
DB Bench15,12,10,10 (8)(6)
Incline DB Fly4×8
Lower Pec DB Fly4×10
DB Curl10,8,6,6
DB Hammer Curl4×8
Mid Delt DB Row4×8
Forearm4×8 (2 OH 2 UH)
Day 2 Back & TricepsSet x Reps
Incline Bench Reverse DB Row4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Single Arm DB Row4×8
DB Pullovers4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Close Grip DB Bench10,10,8,6
DB Skull Crusher4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Rear Delt DB Row4×10 (2 F 2 H)
DB Shrugs4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Day 3 Legs & Front DeltSet x Reps
DB Squats4×10 (8)(6-8)
DB Straight Leg Dead Lift4×8
(Walking Lunge)(3×10 paces each)
Lying Leg Curl3×10
Standing Calf Raise 3×12
Military Press 4×8
Forearm4×8 (2 OH 2 UH)
Day 4 Chest & Biceps Set x Reps
Incline DB Bench15,12,10,10 (8)(6)
DB Fly4×8
Lower Pec DB Bench4×10
DB Curl10,8,6,6
DB Hammer Curl4×8
Mid Delt DB Row4×8
DB Shrugs4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Day 5 Back & TricepsSet x Reps
Flat Bench Reverse Row4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Single Arm DB Wide Row4×8
DB Pull Overs 4×10 (2 F 2 H)
DB Kickback4×10 (2 F 2 H)
DB Skull Crusher4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Rear Delt DB Row4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Forearm4×10 (2 F 2 H)
Day 6 Legs & Front DeltSet x Reps
DB Squats4×10 (8)(6-8)
DB Straight Leg Dead Lift4×8
(Hip Thrusters)(3×10)
Lying Leg Curl3×10
Standing Calf Raise 3×12
Military Press 4×8
DB Shrugs4×10 (2 OH 2 UH)
LEGENDShort Hand Symbol
Optional( )
Over HandOH
Under HandUH
Forward/Straight GripF
Hammer GripH
4 to 6 week or 8 to 12 week split
Everyday or every other day pace
2 minute to 1:30 rest